Thank you for the support and we are back! Happy 2021!

Hello everyone,

I just want to apologize for taking a three-month-long break. These past three months have been really awful and rough. I lost someone really close to me to cancer. It was so rough, I got suck into a spiral of depression and lost my motivation to do anything. However, I bounced back. MY loved one wouldn’t want me to be sad. They would want me to keep moving forward. Thank you for the support since we stop posting. The blog still grew without posting. You all are awesome! We hope that 2021 will be a great year for you and the world! We still start posting once again. It will be once a week for now. Remember to keep your head up during dark times and keep pushing forward!


Much love!


Showing appreciation to you all and Blog Update

Hello Everyone!!


Just wanted to say thank you so much for reading my travel stories. I know I mentioned this serval times before; however, I’m always humbled to see the support you all give us. I’m really honored that you all enjoy what I  write. Growing up, my worst subject in class was English.  Now, people from all over the world read what I write. It’s mind-blowing to even think about it. update-5238354_1920.jpg

Writing this post just to inform you all about a few updates on this blog. On Tuesdays, we will have posts about travel destinations and things to do there. I wrote a few posts in this format before. It seems like you all enjoyed it!  I have to start doing this until we are safe to travel again. I have been doing some domestic traveling. However, not enough to keep posting consistently on Tuesdays. Also, I really don’t feel comfortable on airplanes right now. I still have plenty of stories to write about my travels. Yet, I’m not sure how long this current state of the world will continue. So, Saturdays will be like normal and Tuesdays will be this new format. camels-1149803_1920

Once again, thank you all. I really love traveling. It’s my passion to go to other countries and learn about different cultures. Being stuck for 8 months has been a different and difficult experience. I’m sure all of you have felt a similar way. Will do my best to reply to all of the comments. Ironically, I’m not traveling now but I’m actually even busier.  I wish you all luck, positivity, and good health. Much love to all of you. Keep safe and stay healthy!

First impressions of London/ Christmas in May?

After a 7 hour sit-down, I landed in London. My first thoughts about this city were how friendly the locals are. I could tell I wasn’t in New York anymore. The attitude of the people was down to earth. The complete opposite of the Big Apple. Where New Yorkers are lost in their heads. It’s funny how I went to Ireland a month before. Should had just stayed in Dublin and took a ferry to the UK. You never know where life is going to take you.

Train station in London photo courtesy of Hugo Morel

Took the Heathrow express train from the airport into town. Took the local underground train to get to my host’s location. Asked a few random Londoners where to go. They were more than happy to show me the right way.

Christians celebrating Christmas in may photo courtesy of Hugo Morel

Once I was pointed towards the right direction, I came across a Christmas march. It was a group of West Africans called Kimbanguist. They were celebrating the birth of Jesus on May 25th. I was baffled and interested at this expression of their community. For starters, I never expected a group of Christians to celebrate this holiday at this time of the year. Second, anything that has to do with learning a new culture is what gets me motivated to travel more.

The apartment i was staying in photo courtesy of Hugo Morel

Met up with my local host at Starbucks. We went inside his building and he gave me the keys to my room. To my surprise, the way England has built their homes is completely different than it is in the USA. Americans, love their space! The Londoners, not so much. The way homes are built in London are hard to explain. It’s like the first floors are for walking up to the apartments or the living room. However, the floors are like narrow alleyways.

Mafia style car photo courtesy of Hugo Morel

Left my bags and it was time for me to explore. Was so excited to see what the hype was about. I hoped London will up to it’s positive rumors. Of course, I was not let down. This city had made me into a better person.

Stay safe everyone and remember to wash your hands!

Check out our eBook “How to Travel for Dirt Cheap” by Hugo Morel for ways to make your dreams of traveling come true without breaking the bank.

For videos about cultures of the world and to see our travels, subscribe to our youtube channel!
For my underwater photos, I use the gopro hero 7 white.
We have partnered up with and working on TripAdvisor. Here are some links for each hope you all enjoy!Here are links to hotels and other deals.For Hotels, make sure to click here. For apartments make sure to click here. For Resorts click here. For villas click here. For bed and breakfast and for Guest houses, make sure to click the link!

Just want to say thank you and this metal might keep you healthy

This last month, everybody has been dealing with losses. From family members to having the freedom to travel for fun. The beginning of 2020 has been hard for all of us. The worry of losing a love one has been on our minds.


I have been impacted so hard. Almost to the point of just giving up on everything. Yet, all the positive comments and the heartwarming messages I got. These helped me so much from getting out of a dark place. I lost two family members this month. The worst part is, we couldn’t be there when they passed away. Nor, at the funeral until the lockdown is over. It’s still hard to believe.


So please everyone, look into this. For a health tip, any copper alloys like bronze or brass helps kill 90% of germs and viruses. Studies have shown that covid-19 can live up to 4 hours on copper. Opposed to other materials. Copper has healing properies that kills off germs. Here are some links.

Also, a video I made on copper.


To my great-aunt who was always filled with energy and with a smile. You beat cancer but you couldn’t beat this outbreak. I remember the times I used to visit you during summer. You lived in that same place in Brooklyn for over 50 years. It won’t be the same without you.


Please stay safe everyone!

Why travel means to be alive

For many, travel is just a hobby. Most people take the ability to travel for granted. Yet, travel is so much more. During these hard times, traveling is looked in a negative light. However, I’m writing to spread light and hope for a better future.


When speaking with my grandparents, they always told me that they could had traveled more. You are full of life don’t let it go to waste. One of the most common things to do in someone’s bucketlist is to travel to a place. Why live a life of what could have been, when you can live a life of why not? Growing up that was my biggest fear. The fear of the unknown. Not knowing what could happen made me not want to take action. sun-rays-511029_1920.jpg

I was stuck inside a mental box. Until, I had my first internatonal flight as an adult. I went to Panama and saw how wonderful the people were. Saw how different Latin America was than what is shown on television. The nature, the lakes, the canal and  the skyscappers looked something from a dream.  It opened my eyes to so many possibilities. bora-bora-701851_1920.jpgTravel is the best teacher. You get to learn so much about the world, while living it. Once this global lockdown is over, I encourage you to travel and make your own memories. To me, living life is to make memories. When I get old, I will have amazing stories to tell to my kids and grandchildren. Hopefully, they will pass on thier amazing stories. Who knows, their travels might be to other planets! Remember to live your life because people everyday don’t have that choice. Regardless of what is going on, remember to smile. Be that light, you never know who you are helping out.


Of course, take care of yourself while traveling. It’s best to wear masks and gloves. Make sure to stay fit to keep the immune system strong.

Much love and stay healthy!

A public health announcement

As we get further into this lockdown, many people are getting restless and want to go out. So much that they are doing protesting marches in michagan. There has been restrictions lifts in Jacksonville, Florida. The state of florida reopens beaches during the time covid-19 cases have been rising in the state. I dislike like politics and I prefer not to speak it. However, I have to mention this.



If your local government lifts the lockdown, please watch your hands when outside and inside. Try to wear a mask and gloves. Although the virus might not cause you much harm, it could cause your love ones their lives. Whether directly or indirectly, it could cause harm. I’m writing this because I have seen a few people close to me die. I didn’t think this virus much was stronger than a flu. After speaking to people who had it, I can confirm it’s stronger than the flu. I’m lucky, that I was never infected. Please everybody, once the restrictions are lifted near you. Remember to wash your hands, wear gloves and/or a mask until we have a vaccine.


I understand, I’m not a doctor nor am I part of the world health organization and the world needs to start up again. I’m just a person who cares and don’t want others to experience what my family did.


Stay safe everybody and keep healthy! Much love and safe travels!

We will get back to normal posting next week!

Value those who helped you

In these hard times, You have to reflect on the people that helped out on the road we call life. We all have been through some very tough situations. Unless, you are extremely lucky. We should all know those times when you needed help. Whether, it was early on in life, later or somewhere in the middle.

climbing helping  team work , success concept
climbing helping team work , success concept

There were times, I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. I was sad and depressed about the future. Goals seemed like unrealistic dreams. I was very fortunate to have met some amazing people that helped me when I was down. I value them dearly, even if we don’t talk or aren’t on good terms. They will always hold a warm place in my memories. Those people saw me for me. A human who wanted to do something positive in live. They gave me a helping hand when I was hopeless and taught me skills that I would use for a life time.

During this outbreak, I lost a few of those people. Some I spoke to the other day, others a few years ago. Regardless of how close we were or how far apart we grew, that kindness is still there. That act of giving hope to humanity is still there.

In memory of Wend HU, my travels wouldn’t had been possible without the skills you taught me

You don’t really know how much someone does for you, until they are gone. I was a 22 year old straight out of college learning about zoning laws, liquor licenses and advertisements. Learned so many skills that I use on a daily basis. Thank you so much Wendy for everything you done. It was always with a smile on your face. Rip Wendy Hu, you will be missed!

Please everyone, stay safe. The hospitals are filled with sick people. Value those that helped and care about you. Remember to wash your hands with tons of soap!

Hello…. Morocco you are kind of French

Morocco, a country I always wanted to visit. A place with lots of history and culture. I couldn’t wait to explore this French and Arabic speaking country. I heard there were parts of Morocco that had tons of green grass. I wanted to see that in person. I’m sure like most people, when they think about North Africa sand, and endless deserts comes to mind.

Marrakesh airport photo courtesy of Hugo Morel

I arrived at the Marrakesh airport. I was somewhat in a hurry because my accommodation was in Casablanca. Didn’t really get to explore Marrakesh like most tourists. Plus, I wanted to go across country in a short time. Only had a few days,  no time to explore like usual. Which means, I will most likely visit morocco again!

Outside of the Marrakesh train station photo courtesy of Hugo Morel

I just wandered around the city’s train station. Just from going around, you noticed the difference between Egypt and Morocco. Egypt felt like an African country mixed with the Middle East. Morocco is very different. In Egypt, the Arab culture is a lot more integrated in the culture and buildings. People were more conservative.  However, Morocco is different.  There were a lot of women without hijabs here. In Egypt, they had this too. But, in Egypt those without hijabs were mainly Christians or women from a high class family.

Sitting at the table waiting for my ice cream photo courtesy of Hugo Morel

Morocco felt more like I was in a tropical part of Paris. Maybe it was the French street signs that threw me off. You can even see the roads having a European look. It’s a reminder that Morocco was once a French colony. Egypt was not like this. The roads in Egypt, were more middle eastern looking. Although Morocco is a Muslim majority country, it’s very liberal compared to most countries in the Arab world. Also, there is a movement going on in North Africa to get rid of being called Arab. Some even letting go of the Muslim faith. Morocco is actually at the center of that movement.  However, that’s a story for another post.

classic Marrakesh art photo courtesy of Hugo Morel

Found an awesome restaurant to eat chocolate ice cream. From what the waiter told me, the chocolate was French style. The dessert had such an interesting taste. It wasn’t overly sugared like American or Swizz chocolate. You can taste the cocoa more than the sugar. Never had chocolate like this. It remind me of Mexican hot chocolate without the spicy kick. Next time when I’m in France, I will make sure to snack on their chocolate.

My chocolate ice cream photo courtesy of Hugo Morel

After eating, I head back into the train station. Going to get on my train with any problems or issues. Of course, Murphy’s law had played into this. Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Let’s just say, nothing went my way. Yet, I still had a great time. My time in Morocco was exciting and a wake up call to be more prepared for the unexpected. Regardless, I still love this country. I truly suggest you all to visit. It will change your mind about North Africa.

Much love and safe travels! Please keep clean everyone!! Wash your hands!!

Check out our eBook “How to Travel for Dirt Cheap” by Hugo Morel for ways to make your dreams of traveling come true without breaking the bank.
For videos about cultures of the world and to see our travels, subscribe to our youtube channel!
For my underwater photos, I use the gopro hero 7 white.
We have partnered up with and working on TripAdvisor. Here are some links for each hope you all enjoy!Here are links to hotels and other deals.For Hotels, make sure to click here. For apartments make sure to click here. For Resorts click here. For villas click here. For bed and breakfast and for Guest houses, make sure to click the links!

Covid 19-Value your health

During these times, I want to keep everything on this blog positive. However, I will not give an illusion that everything is fine. I just lost a few people that I knew. One, helped me with skills I use on a daily basis.  The others were so kind and would give the clothes off their back for someone.


As you all know, New York City is the epicenter of covid-19 in the Untied States. Most of my family lives here. My grandma, aunts and uncles have lived in the same homes for over 60 years now. New York City is part of my roots and a part of my history. It’s sad to see so much death here. Never felt like a New Yorker until now. Even with these times being hard, I have seen people volunteering to give food to the elderly. I haven’t been able to see my grandparents due to my travels. I was always worried about me bring a sickness to them. Knowing that people are out there helping the elderly gives me a sense of community.  Remember there is always some positivity in dark times.  Doesn’t matter what brought you into that dark tunnel. At the end of every tunnel, there is an exist. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

So please everyone, don’t take these times lightly. For those who live in rural areas and less populated areas, this virus will still do it’s damage. Make sure to follow the rules of how not to spread it. Wish you luck and health! Please wash your hands before eating.

Light during dark times

As the number of covid-19 cases continue to grow around the world, we just want to wish you and your love ones health. Also, the random person down the street. These are hard times. However, we will pull through. Always keep a bright outlook even if everything is falling apart because you have the privilege to live another day. A lot people don’t have that.


Currently, I’m in the epicenter of the USA right now. The hospital nearby my home has been filled with confirmed cases. The death toll has risen like crazy in Brooklyn. The hospital near me had to get 4 refrigerated trucks to fill them with dead bodies because their morgue is full. This is no joke and this is not something to be taken lightly.

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Let’s this be a wake up call to show you that people are all the same. Regardless of their political affiliation, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or how much money someone makes. We are people first! United we stand divided we fall. From the small towns to the big cities, we will get through this together. If we were more honest to each, this virus probably wouldn’t grown into such a huge problem.


I have no fear because I know love always shine!

Much love and safe travels! Please keep clean everyone!! Wash your hands!!

Check out our eBook “How to Travel for Dirt Cheap” by Hugo Morel for ways to make your dreams of traveling come true without breaking the bank.
For videos about cultures of the world and to see our travels, subscribe to our youtube channel!
For my underwater photos, I use the gopro hero 7 white.
We have partnered up with and working on TripAdvisor. Here are some links for each hope you all enjoy!Here are links to hotels and other deals.For Hotels, make sure to click here. For apartments make sure to click here. For Resorts click here. For villas click here. For bed and breakfast and for Guest houses, make sure to click the links!

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