In the center of the world

Times square, the center of the world. The center of the world’s capital. Times square is truly breathtaking.

I have been here many times (bad pun), one can never get bored here. So many interesting characters. From crazy homeless people who claim the world is ending tomorrow to people having breakdowns, this place has it all. If you are looking for free entertainment, Times Square is the place.
This area has a dark past. Once as a mobsters hangout, Times Square was filled with illegal activities. Eventually, one mayor had enough and wanted to make the square Disney friendly. Now, it’s one of the world’s biggest tourist attraction. People from all ages now walk these streets at all times (another bad pun) of the day.
Believe or not, Times Square is one of the city’s most secured areas. With so many police around, it makes one feels very calm to walk the streets at night. Just watch out for the police on horses, they leave behind tracks. Make sure to watch the floor at all times (I couldn’t help myself).

Thank you for taking your time to read this post! Much love! I know I said we would be going to the Bronx but that will be next week. Have a safe week!!

Queens, the diverse borough

Queens, the most diverse county in the United States. Home of hip-hop legends like Nas. Queens, is the biggest borough by landmass and the second biggest by population. It is truly worth the visit.

There is a lot to do in this borough. Home of the New York Mets, Citi Field should be on your itinerary. Many events occur here during the summer and some are free. Also, home to North America’s Amway store.

I explored Queens several times and have gotten lost more than I count. Flushing-Meadows Park is actually a fun place to get lost in. The park has a zoo and a metal gobal; however, I’m not trying to be too much of a tourist. So, the zoo and the gobal were skipped. The Flushing-Meadows Park is the second biggest park in the city. The park has a science museum for kids, as well. Flushing-Meadows Park is on a comparable level to Central Park.



Queens is a place of diversity. With more than 48% of it’s population being foreign born, many of it’s residents speak a different language. Queens county is said to be the place with the highest percentage of the world’s languages are spoken in one area. Each neighborhood in Queens has a different culture. Flushing is Queens’ main center for Asian communities. The neighborhood of Flushing is the place where you can experience true Asian culture.


Thank you, for taking your time to read this post. Much love!! Next week, we will head to the Bronx. Have a safe week and stay healthy!

Brooklyn, the Independent Borough

Brooklyn, home of many iconic rappers. The Borough that is giving Manhattan a run for it’s money. Brooklyn is the Borough that can stand on it’s own two feet.


Brooklyn at one point, was it’s own city. Besides Manhattan, Brooklyn is the only borough with a downtown. Having it’s own downtown; if Brooklyn was a city on it’s own, it would be the 4th largest in the country.


This borough is the place to be. Even, Michelle Obama wants to move here. Brooklyn has a vibe that no other place in America has. There is never a dull moment. If you are into outdoor activities, there are a handful of parks. Prospect Park is Brooklyn’s Central Park. The park has an everlasting energy to it.

In the posts to come, I will talk about my personal experiences in Brooklyn’s neighborhoods. From restaurants to parks, I have a lot in store for you all.

Brooklyn has a strong personality. So many colorful people live here. From hipsters to professionals, this borough has it all. You can always meet interesting people, maybe even during a subway ride (good luck because people are anti-social on public transportation).

Thank you for taking your time to read this post! Next week, we will be going to Queens. Much love!! Stay heathly and have a good week!

In the city that doesn’t sleep

New York city, the city that doesn’t sleep. Full of villains and creeps. Home of musical legends and people from all over the world. NYC is one of America’s greatest cities.

Usually, when people talk about New York City, it’s Manhattan. The next posts will be focussing on everything that is NYC. Which includes: Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and thier nieghborhoods.

When coming to NYC through the air, you either come through JFK, LaGuardia or Newark. If you are arriving by train or bus, pen station will be your entry to the city. By the way, the photo above was taken by me at the Empire State building.


New York City has an amazing character. In the subways, you have all types of personalities. From crazies asking for money to hipsters reading books. There is a never a dull moment in this city; unless, you are stuck in traffic or your train is delayed.

I have to come clean, New York style cheesecake is the best. I tried many cheesecakes in different countries and different parts of the USA. New York style has no competition. Once tried cheesecake in brazil, worst cheesecake ever created. It had a watery taste and it was very soggy.
New York, New York is truly a city that does not sleep. Where most cities the nightlife ends at ten, that is not the case in NYC. Many stores and restaurants are 24 hours. There is always a place to go during the middle of the night.

Thank you for taking your time to read this post! This is the start of several New York City related posts. Hope you guys will like it. Next week we will be in Brooklyn. Much love!! Stay safe and heathly!

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