Seeing The Scale of Bangkok And Getting lost

We all heard that Asian countries are developing cities and skyscrapers at a rapid pace. However, seeing it in person gives more meaning to that statement. So, Bangkok is big and about the same size as the city of New York City. Yet, I never have seen so many cars in bumper-to-bumper traffic in my life. The beauty in the chaos is what I love about Bangkok Thailand.

downtown Bangkok Thailand

After I went to see my first Buddhist temple, I was completely out of energy. The sun of Bangkok Thailand mixed with jetlag, I had to go back and sleep for hours. Somehow, my body sleep schedule started to match the local time. The sun was setting, staying up watching all those marvel movies on the plane actually paid off. The sunsets here are so beautiful, it reminded me of my time watching the sunsets by the Nile river.


Getting back to my accommodation ended up being a journey. So, picture yourself tired and you are just itching to lay on a bed. Out of nowhere, your tiredness made you miss your stop and you were 9 stops aways. Yeah, that was me. Like a drunken person, I stumbled off the train and started walking toward what I thought was the opposite platform. In a zombie state, I sat down and counted the many stops I missed not realizing that I was nowhere familiar.

Traffic in bangkok

Not evening looking at the stop’s name I got off. I was tired and was only thinking about laying on a bed. It wasn’t until I was off the train that I saw the mistake I just did. I went on another line and I have no idea where I was at. However, I was super tired and just couldn’t do another train ride. A taxis cab became my favorite option. Found a cab, gave my address and I was out. I woke up around 30 mins later to find us stuck in the infamous Thailand traffic.

The view outside my Airbnb

Seeing Thailand in a taxi is a must-do. You get to see the city in a whole new light. Bangkok is big like really big. What was about 9 stops took us almost an hour. Seeing the buildings, car traffic, and the people made me realize how similar this city is compared to New York City. I used to think Thailand was underdeveloped. However, it’s very modern. Being the hottest Capital City in the world with great culture and people. I can see why Bangkok, before COVID, was the most visited city in the world. It is world-class without world-class prices.

Thank you so much for reading! Stay safe and travel safe everyone! Much love!

Check out our eBook “How to Travel for Dirt Cheap” by Hugo Morel for ways to make your dreams of traveling come true without breaking the bank.

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My underwater photos, I use the gopro hero 7 white.
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