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The flight to Cali ends with a burger


This was March of 2016. I have not been to my home state in over 6 years. We were so excited to finally be in the state of the golden bears. At that time, we had no idea what would be in our near future.

It started of as a raining day, a typical occurrence in New York City. If it’s not rain, it’s snow in the empire city. We were so ready to finally have warm sunlight touch our skin. Unfortunately, we could not have been farther from reality.

The flight to Los Angeles was not the best. We used Virgin America and that was somewhat of a pain. Virgin America had charged me 200 dollars for a bag! The fee should had been only 20 dollars!! Being a freelancer, you all know I fought for my money. They returned my money but, it gets worse. Before the plane took off, they gave us this horrendous safety tip music video. The facial expressions everybody gave was not positive.

The only good that came out of the flight was having the window seat. The views were amazing. Seeing the snow covered mountains was breathetaking. Flying over Arizona, the desert’s reddish color was out this world. At times, it felt like you were flying over Mars.

Los Angeles was under the plane’s wing. We were close to our destination. After what felt like an eternity, I could feel the California vibes.

Being from California, the one thing I missed the most was In and Out burger. The best fast food chain in world. Sadly, it’s only in California and some southwestern states. The only goal on our mind after arriving to the golden state, was a burger from In and Out. Being unhealthy, never felt this good!

Thank you for taking your time to read this post. Next week, we will go to our hotels and take in the amazing views of Southern California. Much love! Stay healthy and have a great week

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